Espirituialidades e Sociedade


>  Impressionante relato de caso de cura de cegueira após oração




O Professor, médico e pesquisador Alexander Moreira-Almeida divulgou em sua página no facebook artigo recentemente publicado em revista científica internacional de uma pessoa cega por 13 anos (por degeneração macular juvenil, quadro grave, irreversível e sem tratamento) que dependia de bengala para andar e lia só em braile, que teve uma cura instantânea após oração do marido.

Os exames oftalmológicos confirmaram a melhora da degeneração macular e ela se mantém bem por 47 anos.
Análises e comentários sobre o caso serão muito bem vindos!

Artigo, relatórios e exames médicos originais disponíveis gratuitamente no site da revista


> clique aqui para acessar o pdf do artigo





An 18-year-old female lost the majority of her central vision over the course of three months in 1959. Medical records from 1960 indicate visual acuities (VA) of less than 20/400 for both eyes corresponding to legal blindness. On fundus examination of the eye there were dense yellowish-white areas of atrophy in each fovea and the individual was diagnosed with juvenile macular degeneration (JMD). In 1971, another examination recorded her uncorrected VA as finger counting on the right and hand motion on the left. She was diagnosed with macular degeneration (MD) and declared legally blind. In 1972, having been blind for over 12 years, the individual reportedly regained her vision instantaneously after receiving proximal-intercessory-prayer (PIP). Subsequent medical records document repeated substantial improvement; including uncorrected VA of 20/100 in each eye in 1974 and corrected VAs of 20/30 to 20/40 were recorded from 2001 to 2017. To date, her eyesight has remained intact for forty-seven years.










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